KRISS Unveils Early Detection System for Pipeline Protection

Buried pipelines are critical infrastructures that transport water, petroleum, gas, and other substances. However, they are susceptible to damage from third-party interference (TPI) and other threats, which can lead to environmental contamination, explosions, fires, and sinkholes. Detecting such threats in advance has been a significant challenge for pipeline management entities. The Korea Research Institute of…

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Harper Furnace Technology: Pioneering High-Performance Silicon Anodes

In the quest for more efficient energy storage, silicon anodes have emerged as a front-runner in battery technology. Harper International Corporation has been at the forefront of this innovation, providing high-temperature thermal process solutions that are enabling the production of high-performance silicon anodes. Harper’s Technological Edge Harper’s furnace technology is a game-changer for silicon anode…

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Novel Electrolyte: A Solution to Battery Flammability

In the quest for safer battery technology, a groundbreaking development has emerged in the form of a novel electrolyte that significantly reduces the risk of battery fires. This new electrolyte addresses the issue of thermal runaway—a condition where increasing temperature causes a reaction that further increases temperature, leading to a destructive cycle. The Problem with…

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How Cable Splicing Machines Can Enhance the Power Grid and Protect Workers

The power grid is a complex network of cables, transformers, substations, and generators that deliver electricity to homes, businesses, and industries. However, maintaining and repairing this network can be challenging, especially when it comes to medium voltage cables that carry high currents and voltages. These cables require careful termination and splicing to ensure reliable and…

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Halliburton’s Reservoir Xaminer: A Breakthrough in Formation Testing and Sampling

Halliburton, one of the world’s leading providers of products and services to the energy industry, has recently launched its Reservoir Xaminer™ formation testing service, a new platform that offers fast and precise formation pressure measurements and representative samples of the reservoir fluid in less time. The Reservoir Xaminer service is designed to address the top…

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New Gage Designed for Hazardous Area Inspection

Hazardous areas are environments where flammable gases, vapors, liquids, or dusts are present, creating a potential risk of explosion or fire. Electrical equipment installed in these areas must comply with strict safety standards and regulations, such as ATEX, IECEx, or NEC. One of the challenges of maintaining electrical equipment in hazardous areas is to inspect and…

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